
Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần beautiful

Sunday 9 February 2014

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần beautiful
Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

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Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

Cosplay chất nhất trong tuần

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How to Install WordPress In Urdu

Sunday 2 February 2014

How to Install WordPress In Urdu – A WordPress Installation Tutorial In Urdu – simple WordPress Install In Urdu

How to install WordPress ?
To install WordPress, you wish to firstdownload the required tools, that can be helpful during WordPress install.

For WordPress Install Easy meathod

1. download Firefox Browser
2. download 7-Zip, Free unzip software system. (Your can use WinRAR or your favorite software).
3. FilleZilla (You can use your personal FTP software system for WordPress install by FTP).
Creating MySQL information for WordPress Installation:
WordPress install require the My SQL info must be created. you should log in to Cpanel and start the MySQL info Wizard. If you are exploitation the Plesk Then you should select Databases from the Services section then select add database.
Name your database, type user name and password for the info.
Next step is to provide all the access to the user name that you created for the database and this user will be accessing WordPress information to form tables and posts.
Install WordPress:
To Install WordPress you need configure the configuration file, situated in the downloaded WordPress package. Extract the WordPress installation package and rename the file wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php.
Open Wp-Config.php file with common file editor like notepad and alter the following information as per the knowledge that you simply provider while creating the database.

// ** MySQL settings - you'll get this information from your net host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'putyourdbnamehere');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'usernamehere');
/** MySQL info countersign */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'yourpasswordhere');
/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
Database Name
Database Name employed by WordPress
Database Username
Username accustomed access information
Database password
Password utilized by Username to access database
Database Host
The host name of your database Server (usally sort localhost or
Save the Wp-config.php file. Open your FTP program and connect with your host’s server and transfer the content on your domain by work on to your FTP account.
Type journal title and tagline and information needed.
After installation, you'll be provided User Name and watchword. Please save that countersign, once work in to WordPress backend you'll any change the password.
Any problems during the WordPress installation, please write right down to me atbloggermian[at] If there is some specific drawback please attached the screen shot of your webpage with error. i will be happy to assist you.

 Install WordPress  on windows xp In Urdu:

wordpress install urdu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu
How to Install WordPress In Urdu
install wordpress urdu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu
How to Install WordPress In Urdu:
wordpress install in urdu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu
How to Install WordPress In Urdu:
wordpress install urdu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu

How to Install WordPress In Urdu:
wordpress install in urdu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu
How to Install WordPress In Urdu:
install wordpress ursu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu
How to Install WordPress In Urdu:
wordpress install urdu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu
How to Install WordPress In Urdu:
wordpress install in urdu
How-to-Install-Wordpress-In urdu

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Ear|Nose Throat Problems in urdu

Sunday 2 February 2014

Health Tips for youngsters In Urdu – provide Your kid a higher Health

Children health in Urdu is the new learning section of LearnPakistan.Com. in this section we have a tendency to bring youngsters health tips in English and children health tips in Urduas well. New parents can enjoy health tips {for youngsters|for youngsters|for kids} for complimentary and improve their children s health.
Children health includes special health activities for children like exercise etc. in this learning tips section of Learn Islamic Republic of we'll children youngsters health in general such as:

Ear, Nose Throat Problems Children:

Most of the ENT diseases in children ar infectious like kids get these diseases from alternative kids. this could embody contagion in children or malaria fever in children.

Sound, irritation in Child’s Throat:

Children can get these sort of issues due to their tonsils issues. youngsters with tonsils downside require special attention of parents additionally because the doctor. As children with tonsils problem downside gets high fever. Tonsils problem in youngsters reduce their appitite problem and make them crazy and irritated.
This Urdu article describes common health problem in children and Health tips {for children|for youngsters|for kids} ar provided in Urdu to the new parents to unravel these health problem in children as shortly as possible by reading Health Tips for kids.
Health Tips for children In Urdu
ear|nose throat urdu

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Worms in Stomach in urdu

Sunday 2 February 2014

Improve Your children Health ,kides

Kid’s health issues are often vital for the parents. youngsters get smaller health issue like contagion in youngsters, eyes drawback in youngsters and principally the motion or the problems related to the digestion and food.

Taking the great care of kids health:

Cough in children will be caused by someallergies condition or by the bacterial infection. If liquid body substance has green or white color then it is caused by bacterial infection. Spoken or sound issues can rise if infection reaches to the sound box or vocal organ. in this condition you ought to visit the doctor instantly.

Worms in Stomach:

A vast majority of youngsters have problem of worms in stomach. These worms can be visible in stool. when science lab analysis of stool indicated presence of worms in bowel. These worms can create produce complication like weakness in children. the most important symptoms of worms in systema alimentarium area unit cutaneous sensation around orifice or near legs.
These health tips for teenagers embody kid’s health tips. I hope you may like these kids’ health tips.
LearnPakistan110.blogspot.Com Team
Urdu Translation of This Post:
Improve Your children Health – Health Tips for kids
worms stomach in urdu
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Diarrhea Treatment In Urdu:

Sunday 2 February 2014
Health Tips In Urdu: looseness of the bowels Treatment In Urdu – Stop Motions

Diarrhea is the most typical problem in the kids of every age. diarrhea treatment is an easy home task and mother can take a sigh of relief.

Diarrhea symptoms:

These conditions may accompany looseness of the bowels nevertheless the causes and treatments are often different aside from diarrhoea as per your doctor’s consultation.
Remember To typically Stool is that the main symptom of symptom
1. rectal urgency
2.    Instant bowel movements when a meal

Diarrhea Treatment:

1. Seeds of lemon square measure used for looseness of the bowels treatment. Take at least six seeds of lemon, grid them properly and give them to the children elderly over 4 years with water.
2. diarrhea in infants will be treated by using medicated sirup with consultation of doctors.
3. Chronic diarrhea may be treated by proper and regular use of fiber.
4. Acute watery diarrhea dalbergia sissoo treated with the help of diarrhoea (Sheesham Tree)leaves. Grind sisham leaves boil it to make soup a like then mix half cup of fruit juice in once glass of this soup. diarrhea symptoms are cured.

Health Tips In Urdu:

Diarrhea Treatment In Urdu:

diarrhea treatment urdu
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Anger Management Tips in Urdu

Sunday 2 February 2014

Anger Management Tips in Urdu – Tips to manage Anger In Urdu

Anger Management Tips:

Anger management requires special attention and emotions control. some of North American nation ability to control the anger and some may not. Anger is the result of the sentiments. Our feelings drive North American country. we decide our life partner due to feelings, care and being careless is also attributable to our feeling.
Anger Management Techniques:
Anger management needs special techniques like drink, being calm for seconds. you can fight with your anger just by walking away, doing some exercise or brooding about the things you like in your life.
Control Your Anger:
Your actions create your personality so to own a good personality you should control your anger.
Don’t worry, your feelings square measure OK, then why you're being angry.
When you feel angry, just be alone.
Calm down and count for 10 breaths.
When free, write of your anger and write what happened before that made you angry.
Show these writings to your love ones and discuss.
In this Urdu article you will find out about to control your anger, anger management in Urdu and how your feelings helps to regulate your anger.

Tips to regulate Anger In Urdu:

anger management urdu

Tips to regulate Anger In Urdu:
anger management urdu

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Marriage First Night Method In Islam

Sunday 2 February 2014

Marriage initial Night Tips In Urdu – a way to pay initial night in monotheism method

Islam is the best religion that teaches ushow to spend 1st night of marriage. 1st night of marriage have some aspects that square measure needed to be followed on the first night.

First night tips in Islam:

When the bride comes in her new home, the groom should pray to almighty God to prevent himself and his family from the evils of bride. By praying God will increase the happiness of the family. clenched fist night should be peaceful and tranquilly. Best practicesshows that first night have marriage has great role within the forthcoming life. every sensible and unhealthy is from Allah, so in our everyday life we must always be grateful  to God and keep our all smart and unhealthy faraway from complains. So, at the first night of marriage bride and groom should be thankful to Supreme Being and should spend today as in Moslem approach.

first night tips in Urdu for bride and groom:

marriage first night
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