
Hand cold Care Tips In Urdu

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Hand care tips in Urdu – Hand Skin Care Tips In Urdu – Best Hand Care Tips

The beauty hands are vital for overall beauty, especially for the working women in offices, banks and working corporate sectors. You don’t want to be ashamed while placing some file in front of boss. Hands are also used for body expressions. Clean Hand  cold Care Tips In Urdu, soft and {beautiful|and delightful|and exquisiteHand  cold Care Tips In Urdu} hands mean beautiful expressions. Hand also attracts people towards you.Hand  cold Care Tips In Urdu

Hand Care Tips:

Hand Care Tips
Some people look older than their age just because of their hands. As i mentioned above that hands are important in daily body expression. no one is attractive without beautiful hands. In pakistan we have now a growing trend of putting a handkerchief on the hand in parties. This hides the real beauty of the hands and makes you look non attractive. make you hands visible to attract opposite sex. Here are some vital hand care tips in Urdu.
Hair Care Tips In Urdu:
Apply lemon juice on your hands daily. this will make your hand skin soft.
To keep your hands white, wear gloves on your hands when you are directly beneath the sun light.
Wash your hands completely two times during the bath.
Use safeguard as you regular soap.
Wear gloves while washing the dishes in the room as oil on the dishes dull your hand look dull.
Most tip in basketball shot hard care, keep it noted forever. buy Ponds moisturizer and use it three times in the day, this will never let your hands dry and will make your hands look soft and milky.

Use moisturizer and beauty cream on hands upper surface till wrists. this will stop aging lines on your wrists.Hand  cold Care Tips In Urdu

The “Chanbeli Oil” mixed in same volume with almond oil and glycerin is the best natural hand moisturizer.
To make hand’s skin white, mixed three tea spoons of lemon juice with one tea spoon of sugar and apply it two times in day for one month. You hands will become white.
In winter if you feel too much dry hands, apply boric acid and water with consultation of a beauty expert.
Always wash your hands before going to bed. this will make your hands glowing.
Apply lemon juice thrice in a week on your hands. If mixed with juice then it will effect much more efficiently.
I hope you like to read more hand care tips in Urdu and will be enjoying hand care tips to make your hand skin white and soft. Please share learn pakistan .com links with your friends Hand  cold Care Tips In Urdu Copy the link and paste in your Facebook status. we will be sending more free hand care tips in your email box.
hand cold care

hand cold care

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